After My Grand Baby Finished Eating His Stomach Growling


What You See: Clumps of spit-up striking the fan... and the dresser... and the wall

The Diagnosis: Gastroesophageal reflux

Picture your baby's tum as a small airship with a snug band at the pinnacle keeping food and other tum contents in their place. Unfortunately, this muscle isn't always as strong or in control as we'd like, specially in immature kids. This means that pressure put on a baby's belly, even from a gas chimera, tin can trigger an unwelcome insurgence.

Treat Information technology: While spit-up stains are gross and unfortunate, virtually babies go along to drink, eat, and be merry without treatment -- and stop spitting up within (an admittedly long) six to nine months. In the meantime, give infant smaller and more frequent meals, and keep her sitting upright subsequently eating. Feeding her thicker foods also may help, just discuss this with your doctor starting time. And endeavor burping her -- it might cut downward on the air bubbles and gas that sometimes aggravate reflux. When to worry: if your baby seems to be in pain or has had a tough time gaining weight. In this case, talk to your pediatrician most GERD, a more serious form of reflux.

baby looking down at breadbasket

Bloody Stool

What Y'all Run across: A "red flag" (poop with a streak of claret)

The Diagnosis: Constipation

Yous're changing baby'southward diaper and you see...blood. A streak or speck on the surface of formed poop almost always means the skin effectually the anus is slightly torn, causing it to drain. This tear also ways infant is constipated. Once he'due south no longer stopped up, the peel will heal and the bleeding volition end. However, if you see poop that contains blood or mucus, see a doctor. And if yous're wondering how often your infant should be pooping, here's a rule of thumb: Offset worrying if the time between his bowel movements is spread out longer than usual. For example, if he usually goes once a day and starts going every third or fourth, that's a potential problem.

Treat It: After each diaper change, apply petroleum jelly around the anus. When baby is constipated, the "gear up it with food" mantra really sticks. If your child isn't yet on babe food, requite him 2 to four ounces daily of apple or pear juice -- they contain sorbitol, which helps keep things moving (talk to your doctor if your babe is younger than 4 months). If he'due south already eating babe nutrient, feed him jarred fruits; if he'south on table food, give him plenty of fiber-rich veggies and beans and cut back on dairy. Non improving inside a solar day or two? Talk with your physician about a stool softener.


What You See (and Olfactory property): Lots of fussing, grimacing, and gas

The Diagnosis: A gassy baby

Gas is gas. And as evil-smelling and annoying as it is, there'due south non a whole lot you can -- or demand -- to exercise about it, then long as your infant is eating and growing well.

Treat Information technology: Some healthy foods tin can make baby gassy. And so if you lot're nursing, avoid broccoli, cabbage, garlic, and onions, all thought to cause gas. A bottlefed baby might do good from simply swallowing less air -- hold her canteen more upright to let bubbling of newly mixed formula settle before feeding. In times of distress, try rubbing her tummy to get the air moving.


What You See: Vomiting subsequently eating

The Diagnosis: Food poisoning

Of course, kids can throw up for reasons unrelated to illness, like carsickness or overeating. But when food poisoning is the culprit, toxins produced by bacteria cause the sudden onset of nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (ordinarily within six hours of eating a contaminated food). Mutual foods to blame include dairy, produce, meats, eggs, and rice. Hither's comforting news for the family: The vomit-inducing toxins aren't contagious.

Care for It: If your kid ate a doubtable food at home, toss the rest. Fortunately, vomiting usually stops on its ain within 48 hours. If your child stays hydrated, information technology typically isn't dangerous in the absence of other symptoms. It but makes him miserable. Give him frequent merely pocket-sized amounts of fluid until he feels better. If you're worried about dehydration or if the vomiting or diarrhea is unrelenting or bloody, phone call your doctor.

Green Diarrhea

What You Meet (and Smell): Greenish, rank diarrhea

The Diagnosis: Rotavirus

This seasonal virus is almost common November to Apr. If infant'south poop suddenly becomes greener, more than frequent, and more foul-smelling than usual, chances are she has rotavirus -- especially if she also has a fever, is vomiting, and shows signs of belly pain, like fussiness and drawing her legs to her chest. The virus is the most common childhood cause of potentially severe diarrhea, and its symptoms are commonly very treatable.

Treat It: Ever run a 5K on a hot, humid day -- without drinking much throughout? If you retrieve how you felt (very parched), that may exist how baby feels if she becomes too dehydrated from rotavirus. Then keep upwardly her normal fluid intake -- breastmilk or formula for babies and milk or Pedialyte for children i year and older. Symptoms should subside inside 8 days, but call the doctor correct away if baby seems lethargic or cries without tears. Also call if your kid has less than two moisture diapers daily for more than than the commencement couple of days.

Not Eating

What You See: Your child's refusal to eat, accompanied by a sandpaper-like rash

The Diagnosis: Strep throat (probably)

While strep is by no means the only possible crusade of these symptoms, it's definitely worth considering once kids accomplish historic period 2 or 3 (younger children can get it but seem to exist less susceptible). This pesky infection is known to cause stomachaches ranging from balmy to downright severe. In fact, even a stand-lone stomach disquiet without a sore throat or fever tin can mean strep, especially if your preschooler has been in contact with someone who's had it.

Treat It: Your doc volition practise a pharynx civilisation to determine if your child has strep. If the verdict is yes, he'll demand antibiotics; they'll help him feel improve and prevent long-term side effects. Kids aren't considered contagious 24 hours after starting antibiotics and generally feel much better within a couple of days.

What If Information technology's Appendicitis?

Don't take a chance. If your child has farthermost or unexplained belly pain, see your md immediately. Appendicitis is difficult to diagnose since kids don't develop the same telltale symptoms every bit adults do (fever, loss of appetite, right-sided belly pain). It'due south very uncommon in children: simply 1 or two out of every 10,000 children younger than 4 gets it. Withal, your doc may society blood and urine tests and maybe even a CT browse. If your child has appendicitis, you'll be happy you took these precautions -- when the appendix bursts, a mortiferous infection can develop.

Tummy Tool Kit

Have these on hand for typical stomach ailments.

Breadbasket tool kit

  • Sensitive infant wipes maintain skillful diaper hygiene without further upsetting the skin.
  • Diaper cream provides a protective layer between baby's skin and irritating bowel movements.
  • Burp cloths go along your wearing apparel, carpeting, and furniture somewhat spit-free.
  • Pedialyte gives baby valuable electrolytes that help preclude dehydration during periods of airsickness or episodes of diarrhea.
  • Petroleum jelly moisturizes peel during times of frequent diaper changing. It'south besides good for soothing bottoms irritated by constipation.

Laura Jana, Medico, is a new member of American Baby's advisory board.

Originally published in the March 2009 result of American Baby magazine.


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